Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My chat with Pak Lah... THE PRIME MINISTER!!!!!!

Ok before i story you about my unbelievable encounter with Pak Lah at the MiTV launch yesterday, abit of housekeeping first.

First of all, We have just shipped our second batch of CDs and Cassettes out to the world and my friends... WE HAVE OFFICIALLY SENT OUT ALL THE FIRST-PRINT LIMITED EDITION OF FUUYO!!! This is all because of you!! my cyberbuddies. Thank you for caring enough to want to listen to my music. I am truly humbled by the outstanding reception. You have all created this revolution, so be proud!! We DID it. What the frakking record distributors said they couldn't do.

Officially we have sent out almost over 1000 + cds and cassettes in just two weeks people. Now the ball is in your court. you decide!. The billing instructions are in the package that we have sent to you. Thank you all for spreading the word on your respective blogs, there are too many of you too mention. But notably Along from Utusan , The MalayMail, The Star, Sultan Muzaffar, Klubbkidd, DJ Phuturecybersonique, Juan Danza (although dia sibuk sangat dgn MAWIFCnya tu, congrats on the perjumpaan, read about it on Klubberkidd's site)among others. A heartfelt thank you for helping me spread my music to my fans. My fans are the best fans anyone can have. Intelligent tetapi kodok.

The bad news is there are still about 400 orders up to yesterday that have not been fulfilled, so for that my funky cekodoks, we will go into reprint for the SECOND edition of FUUYO, so if anyone is still keen on it please check out Project : Afdlin Shauki Dah Hilang Akal! on the side bar. Outstanding. Korang gila jugaklah.

secondly, this is a very interesting development. You all know how Anuar Zain is Unhappy with his now defunct recording company Synchrosound, after hearing what we created on the net, he WANTS to release his NEXT SINGLE for all of you, the same way we did FUUYO, SO dengar dulu, kalau suka bayar terus kat Anuar Zain. Rawwwking!!!

Thirdly, I have created a my music space on Myspace at so check out some stuff from FUUYO and Other upcoming and unreleased projects like the BAIK PUNYA CILOK SONG - radio pun tak dapat lagi. dan selama ni yg circulating on the web is the anugerah bintang popular version. This the actual studio version yang akan direleasekan dlm album soundtrack. Gilaaaa Kodok, gilaaa. You respect me i respect you. My friends and fans you get to hear it first.

forthly, THE ADIDAS OFFER IS ON you match the shoes to the celebrities, i give you an original adidas free. Bukan sponsor tau, duit show aku jugak keluar... but in the name of insanity lets go for it kodoksssss. send me an email at with your- name - address- shoe size and what colour you prefer( yg. ni gua tak janji k, kalau ada... ada)

Fifthly (ada ke such a word), I have Yahoo Messenger now. Kalau nak chatting online dengan gua, add gua punya name
kat friends list YM u, kalau gua terlayan gua layan. Gua akan post the times when i will be on YM. Keep checking the shoutbox. manalah tahu nak ajak dating ke, ajak jogging ke dll idea yang tak menasabah.

Sixtly (apakejadah punya perkataan ni), Plan F from Cyberspace kita akan mulakan soon, saya masih menunggu feedback from a few people and once it's done we will be ready to roll.

And now my encounter with Pak Lah.

I have always liked our Prime Minister but i sort of disassociated him from being concious of us entertainers. Somehow thru some other political types who i have encountered previously, most of them have no respect for the people in my profession. But how wrong was i.

Pak Lah was there to officiate the launch of Malaysia's second PayTV network MiTV which is derived from technology developed by Datuk Rosman the Big boss of MiTV and his team of engineers to try and give malaysians a one stop solution for all their media needs. The decoder for Mitv allows us to watch tv, surf the net and make VOIP calls long distance using ur regular phone, The decoder itself is actually aCPU with about 60gigs of harddisk space which you can download (kaki2 download semua sure steam punya) programs or music to listen to it when you want, so instead of waiting for the next cycle of CSI at 2.00am youjust set it so that when csi airs it gets downloaded to the box. and ikut suka saudara-mara kitalah bila kita nak tengok punya.

But all that is not the point of my ramblings.... As i was walking past the main table to oxygenate myself outside the hall, Datuk Rosman called me and said Pak Lah wanted to see me. When i got next to Pak Lah, Terkedu i tak ingat punya. The leader of our great nation wants to talk to this insignificant fat boy.... have i done something wrong ?.... has he been reading my anti establishment blogs???? enquiring minds want to know.... well... this is what he said to me...

errr oops , my wife tengah jeritkan i suruh hantar dia pergi kelas masterclass screenwriting dia.... kita sambung later k ... ciaow!


mynicknames said...

potong stim le enkau ni...

anyway, you such a wabak le. how could you transform anuarzain ke your afdlinism.

you have dua tiga cabang karier and success pulak tu, takpe le buat kerje hilang akal. anuar tu just a singer (ada la berlakon 1, 2 film), kalau dia buat style hilang akal engkau, habis le reputation dia...

Edd Vedder said...

..arggh! it's like a murder mystery. Whodunit? What did the leader of the country say to the toad the web selamba?
ARGGH..!! i can't wait no further..

.. Afdlin, does that mean my cd is coming soon? Tak sabar nak dengar + review in my blog ni..


Zashreena said...

alaaa. potong steam ah citer separuh². anyway, congratulations on your project hilang akal. alhamdulillah.. keluar jugak cd² tu dari kotaknya!!

Anonymous said...

yeayyy.. dah add afdlin dlm yahoo massenger!! (PLEASE accept..huhu)
Anyway.. dok tunggu afdlin balik dari hantar wife dia tu... nak dgr sambungan citer...

Anonymous said...

cepat la sambung cerita...

the artist and i said...

kena wait iklan neh..

ZR said...

ooo boleh ek ajak date? kasik ek? ajak panjat gunung mau ka bang?

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


Unsunghero said...

...terpotong stim aku!!!!

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


toot, toot ,toot, toot, toot ...

Anonymous said...

mana aci, buat cerita tergantung. potong stim la. cepatlah sambung wei

Anonymous said...

how to get anuar zain single? is it already launched? plz give a details....tq

Anonymous said...

Hek elehh ... .. takpe ..takpe .. aku pun gi antor wife aku gi keje dulu ..

Anonymous said...


Dah ada YM, create lak Yahoogroups. Any feedback from a kodok can be read by other kodoks.

Anonymous said...

hey bro afdlin shauki

im your fan from singapore, kat singapore ni banyak gak fan u ..
i heard your song in the myspace, i like MIASARA... OoO~ MIASARA ~ TIDURLAH ~ KASIHANILAH MAMU MU~


bro anyway, why use yahoo messenger only? its great if u can use software like TRILLION or wat so u can have MSN MESSENGER... i dun have Yahoo Messenger and .. msot singaporean tak pakai yahoo messenger la.. :(...

so pls bro.. use msn messenger also ~ lagi gerek!

erm.. my msn -

gaya gaya bergayaa~ di gayaa tiiviii~

Anonymous said...

yo afdlin,
nothin' much. life's not bad. not bad at all. can't complain. thanks for dropping by my blog. i check you blog everyday actually. keep it up dude!
oh answering your question, i live in kampung warisan.

later aaa..

Anonymous said...

aiya..tak sabo nk dgr pe yg Pak lah ckp..cepat aa sambung selamba kodok

Anonymous said... la antar your wife dulu..nanti sambung k

* ^L i a N a^ * said...

isk . abg afdlin neh send cite separuh jalan . tgh baca gie mandi dlu . aleh habes mandi . baca balek . lor :P

* i already send an email for the adidas :P

attiesya said...

bro afdlin...

intro punya suspens... membuat saya baca cepat sebab nak tahu apa pak lah kata.. sekali daaaa... ada iklan la pulak.. he..he..

anyway, really love ur work...

sultanmuzaffar said...

sepuchuk emel telah dihantar kepada afdlin berkenaan hosting dan domain. harap bertindak.

Anonymous said...

aalllaaa...knp cerita tak abis ni..cepatlah sambung. afdlin after `dis u buat drama lah yg ade element suspense...makes u tertunggu2 the next episode.

btw..afdlin today is my b'day...pls say happy b'day to me lah..pls..pls..

Unknown said...

ala... tergantung la pulak!

Anonymous said...

congrate pasal album fuuyo tu & gud luck tuk pjlnan seterusnya(:

LMj said...

cettt... poyo2 jek baca sekali cerita bersambung daaa....

Suya said...

aiiyyyoohh..sungguh kodok skali..
bang, nak teka kasut tu takde clue ke?

Pnut said...

chehhhhh potong stim la...

Anonymous said...

tulah lu, buang masa kat foreplay panjang sangat. kan dah tak sampai ke climax. tu ramai yang stim tepotong tu - sapa nak tanggungjawab? (apala - baca cerita paklah pun boleh stim...)

Anonymous said...


tak abihhhh!!!

dJ phuturecybersonique said...

Dude! Baik Punya Cilok song GILA PUNYA CILOK sampai it rocks the rocks in my kidneys off! Walaupun versi kat website tu bunyinya bukan dalam cd quality, the arrangement is superb! Takes a while to get to the hooks but once it does, it just takes off! Lagu apa lagi yang akan ada dalam soundtrack tu nanti?

Anonymous said...

huish, saspen sungguh.. btw, baik punye cilok song rawks..When its out on radio, i bet in 2 weeks, ur gonna hit num doubt..keep on rawking brudder sebab u artist yg plg best kat msia..kalah bdak2 AF.. :P

Anonymous said...

wey...hanging laa!!!!

adidas??!!! shoe size I - besonye!!

anyway, dun forget to sambung your story-mory-morning-glory ekkk....

cassette guek di mana yaa?!!

Ezan said...

firstly, congrats on ur show in HongKong!
MiTV sounds cool, tp decoder mahal nye huhuhu.. ye la setanding harga CPU kan.. anyway, processor apa dia pakai? nvm, i'll check on it myself.
Pak Lah kata "chiow"?? U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!

D.N.A.S said...

MiTV tu adik beradik macam TIVO kat US tu ke? Read about it in CLEO September. Kalau tak silap, Buffy The Vampire Slayer tu ada sebijik kat rumah dia. So, bolehle kita jalan2 anytime, takyah le terpengap depan TV nak tunggu Desperate Housewives, iye tak?

Anonymous said...

apsal sekor dari katak2 yg banyak kat atas tu dia lari gi bawah? sekor je plak tu?

she-shima said...

hi abang!

cayalah!! nanti cite ngan shima ye, see ya later.

love u boss!!

Anonymous said...

I know what Pak Lah said to you...

He said, "Eh you, why so fat"?


Jgn marah ye bro. Saja je mengusik

Anonymous said...

afdlin... anti-klimaks la!! tak best la hanging2 citer ni.. i've met pak lah in person, and how a humble person he is!

kaezrin said...

siot ajer half way

sambung baliklah

Anonymous said...

potong stim betol la brader...

Anonymous said...

puyau la selamabakodok nih..potong stim kodokss jer

cyan said...

cepat-cepat kaci sambung!

Fazira Albaijure said...

wah.. saspen gak nih.. hehe..

Unknown said...

gua tau..

pak lah nak join lu punya afdlin shauki dah hilang akal! nye pojek..


Pojan said...

pak lah cakap he enjoyed reading your blog tu. hahah

Anonymous said...

beria-ia tunggu the cover story tiba-tiba bersambung pulak...aiyoookkkk

Anonymous said...

hahaha saja je pandai buat cliffhanger.. dasar very de kodok one. congrats on the depletion of Fuuyo's first print, bro! dua-tiga minggu lagi would love to hear how many people actually paid and how much in average etc etc. all the juicy details, bro!

shay said...

allaaaaaaaaa potong betul laaaaaaaaa...pak lah nak tolong fundingkan project LOS AND FAUN ke?

Anonymous said...

hi there..i guna my bos's account just nak sambung baca cerite ni..dah lebih lima kali re-visit tapi tak kuar2 plak sambngan dia..adoi..lamanya...

Anonymous said...

huk alerr bersambung plakk .. mcm citer 'Le Salmonella' hak3 cpt2 sambunggggg !!!

Anonymous said...

udh der ym? pergh... makin femes arrr bro kiut srg nie...

caya arrrrrrrrrr **winking**

sherrina said...

gua pun ada tulis review ngan gambo skali album Fuyoo and projek gila nie. kat blog gua (

sambung le citer...apa kata Pak Lah? (kot2 dia nak bagi personal sponsor utk film baru abg afdlin kottt)

Anonymous said...

eh shima, ko dating ngan dane tak ajak aku pon.

LyNi said...


cepat lah sambung.. penat ni tunggu... dah brape banyak kali check, tak update pong...


spore fan

Anonymous said...

cobaan.. memang potong stim betul lah..

Anonymous said...

Sabar le geng...
Bawak bersabarrrr

Kepada Sabarudin dan Sabariah...
aku tau korang mmg boleh sabar punya...

contohilah mereka

azmi | 2¢ said...

Tensen mek!

Cepat lerr sambung citer?!!

::cekodok vegemite::

Anonymous said...

Ko wat smbungan bila pon..
akan ku tunggguuuuu!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


citer sedih nih. wa antar kat lu email utk cd first batch (wa anta on the same day of ur first hilang akal entry) tapi tak dapat pun... apa nih.. sedih la ini macam...

wuaaahhh.. org lain dah lama dengar wa jugak yg ketinggalan..

Anonymous said...

cis kambing btul...citer tak abih...
rasa tak puas ati macam tengok citer gaban masa kecik2 dulu..

Anonymous said...

biau aku smbgkan...pak lah kata,yo!apa di atas?(cintailah bahasa kebangsaan kite)
oh!pak lah pun tengok A-HA.....ekekeke.....

KC said...

Iskh...potong stim betui !

Anonymous said...

Laaaa....ingatkan dah sambung still hanging....sambunglah bro!

Anonymous said...

first time ke mari...betul ke bagi free aja cd tu...

Anonymous said...

hey alf , just found out about your site and was looking for klubbkidd that you cakap and stumble upon this site

all the best bro.

class 88 sji

Anonymous said...

HALAA!!..abang afdlin.potong steam lor. penat je tahan kenc semata2 nak baca cite hang!

Anonymous said...

hok aloh ... last time only got one big-fat-gedebab-juicy kodok , la ni , it has many kodoks-kodoks plak eh ? !! .. elok tu , carta populasi meningkat ..

aniwei .. as per cakap by casta nesta
"...about Annuar ZAin tu,its his decision to follow you,but your follower and his may be different.." , ..
hmmm..pretty true jugak tu , but then , kita doakan yang baik-baik dan yang sukses-sukses juga untuk dia 'seandainya' ini cara yang terbaik untuk dia buat .. pakat tolong sama-sama lah yea ..

ok . bro ... sambung cerita , u must !!


Anonymous said...

uwaaa uwaaa..sambung la cepat abg afdlin!!! selagi tak baca habis tak tenang jiwa nak buat assignment!! hahaha

Minghock said...

penantian itu suatu penyeksaan ...

* ^L i a N a^ * said...

kehekeh . ne dr pagi td neh . td pagi da baca . skang pkol 8.34 mlm . harus blog ini tidak diupdate lg . haha . sengal jew abg afdlin neh :P

tak sesuai gituhhhhhhhhh > hahahhaha :)

Anonymous said...


what did he say? what did he say? mcm tgk tv drama plak. main gantung2 ending.

btw...i laaavvvvvv anuar zain!

Anonymous said...

laaa..potong stim betul la abg afdlin nih...kwang kwang kwang...
cepat la sambung!

Anonymous said...

haisey, terasa cam tgk matrix reloaded lak...takpun citer nak saja la nak test....tgk, sampai 2x ganda dapat experiment ke ape???

bagus nasib bro...(good luck bro)
(tgh cari keje kat MiTV)

Anonymous said...

Mr. Azmi,

Klubbkidd's blog is at Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

la hang takut bini no..:)

Adam Kulim said...

alaa....saspender btul laaaaa....

sempoii said...

laaa...buat kecut perut kodok jek..citer tak abis..

Edd Vedder said...

..and pak lah said, "Aku dengaq crita hang dah start juai album sendiri. Baguih la tu..! Aku bukannya tak mo tolong hang Afdlin, tapi hang kena paham la, aku ni baru aja jadi PM. Biaq la aku settle hal-hal lain yang lagi penting ok. Bagi aku satu copy 'Fuyoo!'. Bila 'Baik Punya Cilok' nak keluaq ni.? Jaga badan nooo.."

.. gua dah sambungkan crita tu. Nak tunggu Afdlin, lama gila gi hantar wife dia.. Sesat kot.

Alina Shofni said...

thudah dapat cd fuuyo... mmg FUUYO... aku nangis dgr lagu TIADA LAGI... :-(

Anonymous said...

Kodok yg selamba...bila lu nak sambung citer ni..?? Wa pepagi buta dah cari rumah lu..tak hengat punya...last2 x sambung gak...
~akak ku tuuuungggguuuu~

Anonymous said...

keesokkan harinya,
laaaa..tak sambung2 lagi citer tu..
mana abg afdlin nih..cepat la sket..saspen betul la..

red said...

wei? dah la cerita aku mana wei?!

Anonymous said...

hi brother kodok,
gua baru recieve kaset fuyyooo..mmg fuhyooo la best giler.pelik..naper stesen radio x main lagu lu...

Anonymous said...

....berapa punya lama daaaaa hantar bini...laki aku hantar aku pun dah 2-3 kali balik dah....

Anonymous said...

Alina Shofni Mohamad, mmg sedey la lagu tiada lagi..terus teringat kat mak yg tgh sakit kanser skrg...:(

Anonymous said...

master kodok,

cepat le sambung citer ni..anak-2 kodok sumer tak sabar nak dengor citer nih..

Anonymous said...

dramaa laa lu brO...cepat aar sambung...potOng stim la

Suhaila Mohd Shukor said...

pandainya buat gimik. berguru ngan helmi gimik ke?

D.N.A.S said...

I think Afdlin tunggu sampai 1000 orang tulis comment kat sini baru dia nak continue cerita pasal Pak Lah ni kot.... Afdlin, janganla menzalimi kami....

Anonymous said...

why halfway haa????takpe...takpe..kami tunggu episod seterusnya...

Anonymous said...

thank god at least i dapat fuhyooo..but payment nyer to day i bank in k...
and pls let me know about anuar zain album k...

Anonymous said...

mana niiii..tak sambung2 lagi..dah dkt 20 kali bukak blog nih..tapi citenyer belum sambung..dah penat aku menunggu..entah2 dia mmg sesat masa antor wife dia gi kelas..??

Bukan Sepet said...

Pak Lah: " Ha ni ler Afdlin Shauki tu ya.."

Afdlin: " Saya Datuk"

Pak Lah: "Awat boroi sangat?"

Afdlin: " Ni.. character saya utk filem baik punya cilok datuk.."

Pak Lah: " Tak nak ambik saya berlakun dalam filem awak?"

Afdlin: " Datuk tak nak ambik saya dalam kabinet? Kalau datuk setuju, kita close deal.. Saya ganti Rais Yatim, Datuk leh berlakun filem saya"

Pak Lah: " Tak nak. Saya teringin nak jadi watak along bukit beruntung"

Afdlin: "Saya lak teringin Nak jadi samy vellu"

Ahmad Nispu: "Woiii setan!!! apa kau bikin dialog sendiri ya.. aku director ahmad nispu!"

Uncle Aziz: " Cheh walaupun rupamu tidak ku kenal.. tatapi lubang hidungmu tetap menjadi pooojaaan hatiku... ehh mana pegi si afdlin shauki ni daaa... brapa taun mau hantar bini daaa.. brapa ramai bini dia ada daaaa..."

izzat arslan said...

lorh..bang afdlin..sambung ler cepat...mende nih??wat unsur saspens lak..

Anonymous said...

bukan sepet ni lawak lah....

Anonymous said...

bukan sepet ni lawak lah....

Anonymous said...


ingatkan cerita venezuela je ade stail2 suspen macam ni.. rupa2nye blog pun ade????


Unknown said...

you rock kodok!

Anonymous said...


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Dengan kadar keuntungan semasa yang rendah,masa
pembayaran pembiayaan kereta yang lebih panjang, dan
kadar pembiayaan yang lebih tinggi, anda mampu
mendapatkan aliran tunai bersama dengan
perkhidmatan pembiayaan semula kereta AmBank. Anda akan tetap memegang hak milik kereta anda hanya dengan
perkhidmatan AmBank.

Faedah pembiayaan semula kereta:

- Kadar keuntungan serendah 3.75% (boleh dirunding)

- Anda mampu mendapat wang tunai segera di samping
merendahkan bayaran bulanan anda

-Semua kenderaan yang berusia sehingga 12 tahun.

-Tempoh bayaran sehingga 9 tahun

- Satu tawaran penyelesaian masalah kewangan anda

- Nama anda dikekalkan pada kad pendaftaran JPJ.

- Anda masih menikmati NCD insurans sekarang

- Kad Kredit Al- Taslif (bagi yang berpendapatan lebih
dari RM 1500) dibekalkan bersama dengan skim ini.

- Tawaran pembiayaan alternatif dari konvensional
kepada pembayaran secara Islam

- Tidak bercanggah dengan Akta Sewa Beli 1967

- Proses yang cepat dalam masa 1 minggu
(bergantung kepada kes)

- Bagi anda yang sudah selesai pembiayaan kereta juga layak membuat pembiayaan semula

-Tiada liabiliti tambahan.

- Perkhidmatan cawangan/ mesin ATM dan e-banking yang
meluas di seluruh negara untuk pembayaran bulanan
pembiayaan kereta anda

* Rebutlah peluang terbaik hari ini untuk kadar
keuntungan yang lebih rendah dan menikmati wang tunai
untuk penyelesaian masalah anda sekarang.

*Saya sedia membantu menguruskan permohonan anda
hari ini. Hubungi saya di talian 019-434 2244 sekarang.
Saya sedia ke tempat anda untuk membantu anda.

* Di samping pembiayaan semula (refinancing)kereta,
saya juga boleh membantu anda dalam urusan pinjaman
peribadi, Amanah saham dan perlindungan Insurans.

Terima kasih.

Keterangan Lanjut, Sila Hubungi :-

Asrul Nizan Abd Jalil
Perunding Kewangan Peribadi AmBank
019- 434 2244 (24 hours on line)


Isikan maklumat anda dibawah,emailkan kepada kami
dan pihak kami akan menghubungi anda untuk memberikan
penerangan lebih lanjut.

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Model Kereta :

(contoh:Proton wira 1.3 sedan manual)

Tahun Buatan :

NCD/NCB(%) :

Baki Pinjaman (full settlement):
(jika ada)

Anonymous said...

aehlah selamba ada org promote refinancing keta plak... asal boleh je. mentang2 ramai org baca blog ni. haha.

mcm kena tunggu tahun depan je...season2 plak eh.

sabar je lahhh

Anonymous said...

mangkok tol kodok seko ni buat crita tergantung....

kah kahkah...bagus bagus..

Langsuir and his craps

Anonymous said...

Sungguh potong story laa...
Sambung k?

Anonymous said...

emm...pak lahanto bini die gi klas?hee...

Bukan Sepet said...

Sementara nak tunggu citer ko chief kodok mau.. 14 juta iklan masuk dulu. OK OK sapa lagi nak iklan lepas ni... Ambik nombor dulu ya... (macam ler ada orang nak baca iklan korang tu...)

Anonymous said...

eeeeeee... dah 10 ribu juta kali check.. tapi tak sambung jugakk!! ape dah jadik dgn kodok ku itu? sakit ke? ke internet kena potong ke? ke laptop rosak ke? ke tangan kodok sakit ke? huhuhuhuuh... jangan aaaaaa...

Anonymous said...

Sementara tunggu chief KODOK sambung aku nak nyanyi...(mcm umi Fauziah Nawi nyanyi tuk bebudak AF2...hehehehe!)

(ehem!! clear troat)

Kodok ngorek kodok ngorek
ngorek pinggir kali
teyot teblung teyot teblung
teyot teyot teblung
Bocah pinter bocah pinter
besuk dadi dokter
bocah bodho bocah bodho
besuk kaya kebo

r said...

potong stim!

oh come did /not/ just leave it hanging!


what. happened?!?!?!?!/1/!?!!?!?!?!?

nurminah said...

ala..bile nk sambung nih?

ikanblues said...

Sambung lah weiHHHhhhhhhhh KoDoKSeTannnn...!!!

Anonymous said...

oi sambong la babiiii

Anonymous said...

Adehh... potong betul laa... dah ler break time masa tengah suspen.. ish ishh....

Well... it's a great privilege to meet the PM in person.. bukan senang tau....


Anonymous said...

ongg...onggg....gedek gedek gedek

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ala... dah excited2 nak baca.. putus lak!! bila nak sambung ni bro?

Suhaila Mohd Shukor said...

kelakarnya dialog bukan sepet... haha!

encikmasen said...

aik cip kodok..sampai 2 hari tertangguh siaran? apa kes?

apepun..ako dh add cip dlm ym..cip pun approve lah..

anuar zain pung dh ilang akai? the power of the people to the distributors..

..dan ako masih menanti siaran kembali..

Anonymous said...

mak aiii cip kodok...udahle tu nak test anak-anak kodok ni...kami masih setia tak lari punya...cepatle citer apa pak lah cakap.

mafiaries said...

apa ah PM cakap kat bro afdlin nih.
dah macam2 versi dah nih.

Anonymous said...

elo kodoks
motivated by chief's blog, i started a movie review blog.

first movie reviewed is PGL, more to come.

come, read and comment

Anonymous said...

i love the planf f project! i nak jd producer gaks..

sambung bang!! cepatan...

Anonymous said...

aku sambung la pasai aku pon ada masa tu, PaK Lah cakap gini ..

Pak Lah : Fuuyoo Afdlin ka ni? pahabaq hang?
Afdlin : Baik-baik saja Pak Lah
Pak Lah : Amboi hang .. iklan merdeka tu cakap "JALAN mesti ke depan, bukan perut ikut sekali"
Afdlin : Perut berat kat depan jalan lagi laju Pak Lah. Cepat sampai.. cepat leh makan. Nyam! Nyam!


Anonymous said...

woooo!!! annuar zain pun nk wat cam fuyyo gak..woohoo!!!! cayalah!!!! gua gerenti sapot punyer!!! - allStarz

Anonymous said...

ampeh punyer cip kodok! saspen syall! hehehehehehe..*kelepek!kelepek!kelepek! <---bantai cip kodok ngan payong