Pelikat Pants Designer

Pelikat Pants Designer
Number 1 Pelikat Pants Maker in the World!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Post Merdeka show and my wifey's birthday today!!

I want to say happy birthday to my isteri yang tersayang Chris semoga dia panjang umur and hopefully all her dreams will come true. WE HAD A GREAT TIME going out with our close friends to celebrate hers and her sister, priscilla's birthday at the Hilton Hotel till about 2am and then after that we all chow pegi devi's melantak kat sana. I am really blessed to have her as my wife and am very lucky that she chose me. She could have had anyone in this world tapi budak gemuk ni jugak dia suka. i love her loads.


Despite a great nite yesterday, Today I feel a bit like shit actually to tell you the truth because LOS dan FAUN tak jadi di buat oleh Tayangan Unggul kerana katanya mereka nak concentrate on a film which is going to be directed by a bollywood director called DIVA yang akan shoot pada bulan september ni. PULAK!!. Mula-mula cakap konfirm-konfirm lepas tu kon-tol pulak. My life, i plan around a film production nowadays, so if somebody pulls the plug at the last minute i am SCREWED, income wise.

A lot of people still ask me why i wasn't around to pick up my awards at the SKRIN awards TV3 that nite. The truth is, i would have loved to be at the award nite but the Malaysian Gas gig was a PAYING GIG and artistes in MALAYSIA have not reached the level of artistes abroad, where people recognise and are willing to pay for good talent, and through fan loyalty do not have to do 7 gigs a week. Basically they are paid their due and not just paid a token everytime they perform. I tell you, the number of people who call artiste so that they come and support their charity function is amazing. My question is how many of them are actually doing this for charity as opposed to promotional mileage!!! you monkeys!!! I am no stranger to doing charity but i too get frakking pissed when people want to use my name for their personal means. I actually said to one company who asked me to do a fundraising charity show for free, to pay me my worth, and then i would take that cheque and give that cheque to the charity under my name. They never called back. So is that sincere or not. So as i say my nubian brotherz and sistaz, Award tetap award! but my kids need to get fed and schooled, and that is my priority.

So, i am now sitting blogging half-heartedly macam pelancong taiwan kalah judi dekat genting highland and just feel a bit lifeless. i know this thing will pass, but i can't help but feel trapped due the decision made by TU. FRAAAKKk!!!.


You all are going to hear about it first, right here. MY MASTERPLAN. How i am going to get LOS dan Faun done! So that brother kodok can get Paaaaiiiddddd!

a. Grand Brilliance... they have invested in my projects before and i'm sure they would be interested to have a look.

b. Private Investors.... have been approached by a few.

c. Bank Pembangunan / Finas.... has a 50 million grant but very many strings attached ie. every other shot must have the klcc
in sight.

d. Rob a bank..... they are not helping SMI's banking and financial system in this country is SCREWED!

e. Jadi gigolo mak datin.... my berat badan could be an issue unless the datin has some kind of weird fetish.

A REAL MALAYSIAN FILM COULD GET DONE, this was done for crocodile dundee where they took an ad out in the
newspapers looking for investors for the film and before you know it, CROCODILE DUNDEE was a world wide hit!! So ask yourself punk!! Do you wanna be a film producer??? huh?? do ya??

hee hee..

Whatever path i take, i know i am going to overcome my current situation right now and rock da woorrrlldd!!. I just have to face it and start running towards it. full on. Pantang anak melayu berundur sebelum dicuba.



Ps.. before i go, A lot of people ask me to take photos of Artistes at the Merdeka concert so here it is - JUST BE FOREWARNED THAT NOBODY HAS EVER TAKEN THESE PHOTOS OF THE ARTISTES....

Semua orang ada gambar muka MAWI, Tapi gua sorang aja ada gambar kaki dia. hahaha!!! Cubalah teka yang mana satu?
Inilah koleksi kaki artiste Malaysia yang terbesar di dunia ini. Hee hee. Siapa nak challengge... masukkk...masukk aku kata!

Oklah mari kita main teka kaki artis!! nombor 1 paling atas dan no 20 paling bawah. Ok, padankan nombor itu dengan artis-artis ini. Mawi, Marsha, Rosyam Nor, Afdlin Shauki, Yogi B, Point Blanque, Zahid AF2, Bob AF2, Anuar Zain, Man Kidal, Mus, Leanord Tan, Yusni Jaafar, Aziz Sattar, Noryn, Roy, Radhi Khalid, Syarifah Hasnor, Zaibo & Helmi Gimmick

Siapa FIRST dapat padankan dengan tepat gua bagi satu pasang kasut adidas. berani??


painless FREAK said...

afdlin, gue setuju ngan cadangan untuk ajak malaysians invest dalam your next project... kalo tak dapat reach same cam modal yang lu nak, dapat skit2 pun ok what... about da exec. producer tu, tak dapat pun takde hal as long lu nyer kualiti movie, best bangat gitu... so, open laaa a new account from any banks in Malaysia (local), then bagi no akaun, kitorang hulur... skang ni leh transfer duit guna banyak cara... takde prob kot takat RM5-RM10... wokey?? don't sad2...

she-shima said...

hi abang,
well, hard to talk to ya now. just little info, there's a company called spin network in Singapore who can help u to fund your film. They fund Yasmin's project before.
anyway, i'm totally agree with ur idea getting malaysian to reach some modal..
come on, u told me dun stuck with problems rite.

PS : i can't pretend to be happy if u are not happy. DAT'S our agreement, remember?

Anonymous said...

screw TU!! hey, good luck bro..but plan f sounds interesting la..can i be 1 of the 375,000? nak gak rasa jd film producer..heheh..

shamaine said...

afdlin...i like suggestion f....i'd put in my 4 ringgit...heck i'll put in more!!!

Adam Kulim said...

yeah!!!!!!abg afdlin thats the spirit..semangat mesti ada!!!
nanti kalau nk pelakon yang kira2 badan mcm abg afdlin aa kontek la saya..muahahaha..

hidup hollywood!!eh2..hidup filem melayu....dush2

Anonymous said...

Afdlin, Plan F sounds good you know. It is do-able...

Keep the faith.. your fans will suppport you all the way

Anonymous said...

first skali.... heppi belated birthday to ur wife . .

n... chief.. i rasa kan.. plan yg last tu macam best lar kan.. erm...
raser2 camner? ehehe . .
anyway... apa2 cara pun... kitorg kodok-kodok sumer akan sokong u lar chief... ehehe...
just sabar dengan apa yang dah terjadi... tapi teruskan usaha...
i know u can do it, chief afdlin...!!

she-shima said...

hi boss a.k.a chief segala kodok,

jangan lupa burn 1 cd all da photos ye...
osso da picture of da cutie little monsters tu, it's for da work la, i won't sell to anyone.

tengkiu, jgn tido lambat sangat yeop, esok nak gi HK, suara kena jaga daaaa..

nitey nite

CheGuru said...

Muahaha! And the best Shoe Photo Collection of Malaysian Artises goes to ... (drumroll pls)...

Great job! -Yeng

Anonymous said...

suka gak idea yg ke f tu. try la tgk. i'm positive that byk your loyal fans out there yg sudi menyokong. dun worry abg afdlin.
by the way, kaki mawi yg mana satu erk?? ;) abg afdlin yg comel mmg kreatif orangnya..

Cipkodok said...

4 dari bawah tu kaki mawi.

mosh said...

4 inggit? bole sesangat..producer eh? yeah count me in..

Anonymous said...

yah! Plan F sounds gud! if only there's a Malaysian film fund - where filmmakers pitch the idea to the public, it gets voted on, then funds raised. Hmm... waitaminute, isnt that was FINAS is for? =P

ROTFL feet pix!

sultanmuzaffar said...

lawak gila aku tgk gambar-gambar kaki tuh. orang lain dok jadi groupie pi ambik gambar dgn artist, lu selamba pi ambik gambar kaki.

kalau sesapa pandai baca subteks, mmg makan dalam ini entri !!

nadio said...

dude, I say go with Plan E. There are a lot weirdos out there, you just have to find them datins! heh


maolenin said...

wish ur wifey happy birthday dude.. jgn jadi gigolo bro.. menangis bini hang.. ahaha!

the artist and i said...

nak suruh jadi toyboy..dah tua dah chief kodok neh..

dakwanie said...

Happy birthday to sista chris
cepat ... cepattttt mana gua nak hantar 4 hengget nih????

Hazelinesnow said...

uummm feet shots .... not all big rounded person own a pair of big rounded feet ... do you?

Zashreena said...

HEY!! video clip along² bukit beruntung memang best!! hope you could show some other clips from AH-HA.

i sokong whatever shit you do bro! cheer up k!!

Pnut said...

4 ringgit?
kita sanggup invest 10-20 ringgit...
orait gak tu cadangan...
sebagai investor, kita pun merasa tanggung jawab nak promote filem tu nanti, semua org ada blog sure akan kempen tengok filem ni nanti..and update info time to time mengenai filem ni..but make sure lagikkk best dari BULI, BULI memang best...

anak aku (4 thn) tengok Buli entah berapa puluh kali, and tiap kali adegan kodok kena patuk ngan ayam kampung tu, setiap kali itu dia gelak guling-guling..

nak lagik jimat, amik jer investor ni jugak lakonkan watak pak pacak...percuma je..

Azyze said...

ade orang itu foot fetish..
rahsia sudah terbongkar..

Anonymous said...

chi dok!! wallaweiii.. konie mmg thinking outside the plain box laa.. syabbasshh inspector shahab..akuk mmg berminat nie nak jadi org pilem.. plsss sirr, i wanna more details pls

Yatt said...

Abg Afdlin u ni besh lah huhuhuhu

Plan F tu ok gak.. buleh gak merasa jadi produser pilem ...

GAmbo kaki tu okeh.. tak penah di buat owang.. u memang unik..

Bila nak ada Ah-Ha musim baru????

my suggestion ape kata letak satu tag board kat sini visit this site misti lagi meriah..

wokeh chiow

kiezamy said...

heh, rasa2nye plan last tu boleh work org spore boleh ikut2 nak invest tak..;)

hasmn said...

bro afdlin, you rawk!!!
like your style and your lawak..
jangan kate 4 hengget, pat ploh hengget pon i bleh bagi.. cepat bagi no akaun nak online transfer nih!!

Anonymous said...

"Ah-Long Bukit Beruntung!"

syok wooo!!!

Anonymous said...

bro afdlin, plan f sounds like a lot of fun! I want to be one of the 375k producers. At the end of the show, at the credit part, put all the 375K names on it. Fine prints lah. cool kan.

Anonymous said...

am totally agree wit d idea F ittew!!~ instead of RM4 i would like to invest RM8 to u brot'... double of it.. :D
malaysian not dat kedekut la kalo takat below RM10. tiket konsert RM500 pun diorg bole beli apela sgt kalo takat 4 hengget tuh...
so...wat r u waiting 4?? hurry up bukak akaun cepat!!~


Anonymous said...

WILL FULLY SUPPORT PLAN F! how about make it as a little investment to these 'org kebanyakan' producers... give back some precentage of the movie's return. if the LOS & FAUN is well received, the investor will get their money back + some more $$. mesti diaorg ni tgk movie ni kat panggung or beli cd original utk dpt pulangan berganda.

Anonymous said...

i agreed on ur plan no. F tu ... mari kita buktikan kat derang sumer tu that anything is possible n malaysia boleh/afdlin boleh.

ZR said...

Bang, agak2 6 dr atas tu, sure gambar kaki sendiri kan? tgk perut gua sudahh tauuuu bang :p

I want i want i want to become a producer oso! verrry good idea. just make sure los dan faun tu bley dibawak ke tepi ke tengah, ke depan dan ke belakang, dan bley membanggakan seluruh warga investors yg beribu2 lemon tu. (haaa kan dah pressure)

Anonymous said...

4 dari bawah yer gambar mawi?
aku dah agak dah sbb nampak kengkang jer..


Anonymous said...

Bro afdlin...

Walauweh..i agree ngan plan F..why?Rm4 ringgit maaa.. insya allah everyone leh contribute..alaa..macam those blooger kat atas tulis..kalau leh beli tiket ribuan or ratusan ringgit why not contribute less than RM10 into this project..betul tak?

Anonymous said...

bro afdlin, memang best la idea lu. Gua percaya mesti ramai la rakyat malaysia akan invest dalam your project. Setakat RM4 ni i think it's nothing, compare to those yang duk sms AFUNDI sampai kayer towkey phone operator.
I think maybe you can use SMS then sesaper yang donate/invest will receive your ringing tone from one of your song. And more over, i'm pretty sure those yang invest in your film, akan datang tengok kat wayang :)


Alina Shofni said...

Nak contribute jugak.... jgn kata 4ringgit. 5 ringgit pun bleh..

one mo thin', mana satu kaki mawi?....

muteaudio said...
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muteaudio said...

gue rasa plan F boleh digunapakai. Lu dah try dgn project hilang akal lu and I rasa Plan F might work out fine. Kalau tak pon lu combine semua sekali A,B,C,D,E ngan F. or maybe B,C,E & F.

azmi | 2¢ said...

Dude, I never knew you got the feet/shoes FETISHES?!!


Haha.. Pecah lobang!!
Kwang kwang kwang..

You could AT LEAST list out the names or the artists, so that all the kodoks can match the name to the pics. It'd be good to kill time, especially to those yang ambik extra holiday post-merdeka celebration.. kann?!

Then, tomolo, you can give out the answers. Hehehh..

When I saw the pics, the term "Tengok kaki daa..!!" suddenly comes to mind. Dunno why..


Regarding your PLAN B, you might want to REALLY consider plan (e) Jadi gigolo mak datin, because someone told me of this one person I used to work with, he joined the CLEO most eligible bachelor contest, pastu terus dapat sponsor siutt.. Dia pandai jaga makcik tu.. uhm I mean mak datin tu, so he even got one house(!) to his name.. Khellesss I tell you. Dah kawin dah mamat tu (tapi dengan his girlfriend lah).. But then again, I didn't hear it first hand, so tak leh confirm the authencity of the story..

You think YOU can do the same like that bugger or not? The only thing is, you might need to do some EXTREME MAKE OVER first kot? Voleyy? Haha.. Kidding beb.

All the best to your movie-making plan anyway.


PS: Aku dah dapat dah CD FUUYO tuu [so kuE, no need aksyen2 anymore, occay!] last monday (one week after you posted, as I expected).. kat Perth ni. TENCHUUUUUU!!

PPS: Now, I need to consider the EASIEST way for me, to pay *$$$ka-ching!$$$* you lorrr.. Huhu..

::cekodok vegemite::

Anazam said...

aku rasa brader afdlin guna cara rompak bank tu je la..cepat, takde interest, takyah byr balik..lgpun buat apa bank byr premiun insurance bebanyak kalo takkene rompak kan? tak kene rompak pon dorang bukan nak tolong sme ponnn. 10 tahun the best smes supportor kononnnn. anyway, kalo nak kutip RM4 tu bagus gak, at least people felt they contributed to the film.But you should know, orang mesia, kuar RM4 pon dorang ingat dah keluar RM40 juta so the expectation will be higher than the highest!

Anonymous said...

afdlin, aku dengar ko duduk kat area rumah aku. jom lepak. nak borak pasal movies & scripts. huhuhuhu.

Nazrah Leopolis said...

kasut runcing-runcing belaka...and very italian looking. banyak bebenor duit kome mbeli kasot memahey yek!

takpe bro, yang penting lu tau kalau lu usaha hingga ke titik darah yg terakhir u'd win awards. Go for it man! Mana tau u'd be able to make millions and hit box office! Don't 4get us litel peepel!

Cikokui said...

aloo brother kodok... kalau nak suh kami sponsor... takde hal la.. even AF pon kami leh buang duit. inikan pulak filem chief kodok. mesti mau punyer... tapi biler dah cukup sume, jemputla kami yg mensponsor nie pi tgk tayangan perdana. baru besh... huhuhu sape paling byk, die leh tgk. lagi besh, bagi kami berlakon extra... wakakakaka.... 2 saat kuar pon takde hal... huhuhuhu

LyNi said...


plan f memang besh. I dun mind spending S$4 for your project. Im sure ramai yang nak tengok film tu menjadi.. so go ahead wif your plan.. your fans are rite behind you.. good luck.. n cum up wif the details fast!

your sporean fan ;)

Anonymous said...

ahahahahahah...tergelak tgk kaki2 artis rasanya yg kalar putih nye kasut tu abg anuar..kan?

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum abg afdlin,

kalau setakat rm4 tuh apa sgt la kann.. setuju sgt ngan cadangan tu...

uDA said...

ada yang frame plak gamba kaki mawi tu kang...muehehehe

Anonymous said...

wahai chief kodok..

wtl amat bersetuju dgn proposal f tu...RM 4 tu minimum aje. they might be ppl yg yg bagi lebih.

apa pulak nama projek ni?

Happy Birthday to wife chief kodok...wish her all the best in life.

Anonymous said...

lawa gambo! kkekekek

Anonymous said...

heppi befday to wifekodok!!!

but anyway, I...TOTALLY AGREE with your plan B - get Malaysians to invest your film...actually it's good also to educate them to lurve Very-Damn-Good-Malaysian film.. plus it will be a "pemangkin" for malaysian producer / script writer, or whoeverlah yang involve directly in the movie.

for starting, why not we start with frenskodok here??!! ALL KODOK WILL CONTRIBUTE TO THIS MOVIE!!!

Pastuh jadik macam iklan Era la.. "pastuh ko suruh kawan ko ajak kawan dia, contribute..(haa?) pastuh kawan dia ajak kawan dia, contribute..(haa?)..." -infiniti-

sherrina said...

abg afdlin,
thanks sebab anto by hand cd Fuyoo ke my ofis. Smalam masuk ofis nampak cd tu atas meja. Gempak. Pasal plan F tu, saya pun nak sokong jugak. tapi citer le sket apa menatang filem Los and Faun tu? saya baru nie first time dengo.

Anonymous said...

aku rasa larrr... yg pakey tumit tinggu ittew kaki mawi.. maner lar tau dia dok lari KLCC and dataran terpakai kasut itteww..

Anonymous said...

plan E, nice i think. mesti ade datin K outside there hik2

Anonymous said...

kamek kodok dari sarawak tok, sangat setuju ngan usul (f). nanti kamek war-warkan dengan kodok-kodok seantero bumi kenyalang.

go for it bro ! Be it the first to break the Malaysian Guiness Record 'The first Malaysian Film wholly sponsored by fans'

eeiiii syoknyerr..

tak nak buat filming partly kat Kuching ke..?

lieawulf said...

chill kodok tai-ko. if you're serious abt this:


we, your kodok2 heng-tai will go all out blogging and spreading around news about your LOS and FAUN.

amacam kodok tai-si-heng? ada berani ka?

azmi | 2¢ said...


Aku baru jerr perasan video klip Ah Long Bukit Beruntung tuu..

Nak kena koling2 si Ah Long ke nih, pinjam duit untuk bayo CD FUYOO ko tu?



Thanks for making my day dude.

::cekodok vegemite::

dakwanie said...

i need to find a new hobby...bukan setakat jadik executive producer dengan modal 4 hengget jer...
but jadik tukang payung director pun gua sanggup. Kodok rulezzzz!

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord of the Kodok

Plan F please. I nak LOS and FAUN RM 20, bley? Nak jadi pemegang share terbesar! HUAH HUAH HUAH...

Amacam brader? Bley la ya beb... You rock la my precious! Malaysia boleh!

Anonymous said...

hek elehhh....4 inggit jer? Kasik sploh buleh tak Bang??

Anonymous said...

gua nak jadik extra ... buleh tak Bang??

Anonymous said...

happy besday to ur wife, chief!
my mom ckp ur wife cantik .dia 1st time tgk masa anugrh skrin.tekejut gak cos mak i susah nak puji org cantik. anak dia pun dia tak puji...

Anonymous said...

ko buat film blue lah

pakai videocam saja

Anonymous said...

Tak kisah klu nak bagi share...saya setuju jer idea besh tu... takat sampai RM100 tu InsyaAllah...ahaks ( I student yg masih semput2...kuang!kuang!).Sekurang2nya plan rompak bank tu takkan terjadi
U're much better filmmaker than the others, so dun think it's a prob...

Anonymous said...

err .. filem DIVA? bunyik cam citer seram jek .. heh ..

kirana nakia said...


kalo jadi gigolo tu..leh..tapi dah ada market ker? hehhee...tapi teman rasa takyah le..dari jadi gigolo baik merompak..kederat pun tak jenuh nak guna...heheheh..

Anonymous said...

kodok brunei pun sokong plan (f) aku ikut bah..buleh?

D.N.A.S said...

isy, apa ke bengap sangat Tayangan Unggul ni.... boleh jual sangat ke
filem yg ambik director bollywood? Masyarakat malaysia sekarang nak tengok filem yang contentnya menarik, bukan setakat tayang body heroine je......

Anonymous said...

setuju dengan plan F but cannot laa more than rm20...i think if it's below rm10 budak sekolah pun akan invest, so lagi ramai investors kan?...cubalah buat sure gempaq..nanti boleh masuk malaysian book of records ehehehe...

p/s: my bro and i cant wait to watch your upcoming movies..bile nak keluar panggung?

Anonymous said...

setuju ngan cadangan f....lagi ok kalo buleh pakai maybank2u...hopefully plan ni berjaya...InsyaAllah...saya doakan...

mynicknames said...

KHAKHAKHA... pecah perut. okay ada a few..

1. congratulations I told you - you are better in flming

2. e. memang pecah perut

3. f. good idea. am willing to participate

4. dah agak dah itu kasut mawi. sebab dia new kid from kulai so rasanya boleh guess

5. i like the way you commented the meaning of merdeka in on of the tv prog

Suzie said...

Lagu Girl Guide Masa Sekolah Dulu

"Kodok Ngorok-Rokotok Rokotok....
Di Pinggir Ngiri-Rikitik rikitik...
Dia jatuh-Rokotok rokotok....
Lalu Mati-Rikitik rikitik...."

Main-main je. Anyway, I like the plan with the "sugarmummy with a fettish bit". Not quite sure if it will materialize though. Anyway, Good Luck Afdlin.

Anonymous said...

Bro, if dah invest maknanya leh share profit la kan? kan? kann?

Sudah bg betis mau peha haa.. huhu

Anonymous said...

ahaks . saya suka idea idea bernas itu . rm4 kan seorang . kalau diwujudkan dana itu . pecah rekod utk satu filem . hehe .
* wa sokong idea lu *

Anonymous said...

rasanya kalau idea RM4 hengget sorang tuh saya pon setuju...consider cam sedekah jek la...

so apa lagi abg adlin..boleh la setat war2kan idea tuh mcm Project Afdlin Hilang Akal..

Go abg Adlin!! n a epi belated besday to Kak Chris...:)

mafiaries said...

Bro Afdlin,
Cepat2la bukak satu account. Yang senang kitorang pegi (reach). kita tengok berapa ramai ikhlas nak tolong.
Serius, takat 5-10 hengget tu, memang itupun nilai gi tgk wayang. mesti support punya, insya Allah.
Takperlu carik along bukit beruntung, nanti dia potong...

maolenin said...

pinjam dgn along bukit beruntung pun ok jugak brader.. ahah!

Anonymous said...

hey chief!

suffice to say that if u open up plan F to the public, u might get an overwhelming response. errr..hopefully lah. but i noe at least 100 of my friends who won't mind giving up their 4 bucks to fund your movie. mcm exxagerating plak. tapi betullah tu.

wa sukkaaa lagu ah long! made me miss ah-ha. a lot! havent got a good laugh today till just now. thanks!

happy bday mrs. shauki. hope u had a gr8 time.

afdlin...your fuyoo album sold out already ke? sent u an email, but never got a reply.

ok...byk giler kaki artis. boley buat competition guess who's kaki. sell your idea to MH. maybe you can get money for that! ehhehe...just a thought.

Anonymous said...

abg afdlin..
best la baca blog nih. nanti selalu update k. hari2 saya buka blog ni.
kelakar la lagu ah long tuh. ketawa sampai sakit perut. nanti plezz update klip2 kelakar lain.
keep up the good work..

Chibster said...

You're REALLY funny, you know that. Anyways, the idea that you have is pretty good, though I believe the paperwork would probably make your head spin. Hrmm... pape pun... Malaysia boleh! =)

encikmasen said...

hait cip kodok

setuju sgtlah saya kodok yg kecil ini ttg cadangan yg F tuh..4 hingget ape la sgt utk kami kodok kodok ini..makan tengah hari pun lebih 4 hingget..jd demi menyokong cip kodok punya perjuangan, 4 hingget pun kami dpt hulurkan..pada kodok kodok yg besar kantungnya..bolela hulur lebih dr 4 hingget..btul ak?

Anonymous said...

"e. Jadi gigolo mak datin.... my berat badan could be an issue unless the datin has some kind of weird fetish."

LOL! Gelak sampai guling-guling ni. Nasib baik tak masuk lubang perigi, kalau tak, dah sah-sah jadi kodok betul! :)

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...


Othman Hafsham told me about Los and Faun a couple or three years ago!

GET IT MADE, DUDE! i'll be willing to invest RM4.

thats what i've been doing with my short film too...trying to get a whole bunch of executive producers for it!

Unknown said...


mana lu nak gua hantar RM4 gua?

Anonymous said...

Aflin ,
I support your plan F, idea u memang tak pernah dibuat org tapi class! n berani - we will give you more ! Hw, since I'm a lawyer , pl get it legalise coz di Msia org banyak yg dengki ...

ikanblues said...

Plan F.

F is good.

F is Goooooooodh.

eFf is good.

I Like.

Start simpan satu hari Pat posen sampai cukup Pat Hinggit. Nanti buleh invest.

Kalau satu orang Pat Hinggit, Kalau 24 Juta orang? Fuiiiyooooooo....

Hilang Akal tak hingat punye.

Anonymous said...

haha afdlin, kita satu kepala la! check this out!

ps/ plan F mmg best!

Fazira Albaijure said...

hepi besday mrs afdlin~!! :)

Admin said...

Kawe sokong demo! muko demo nok serupo ngan saing kawe.. hehe..

Anonymous said...

abg aflin rawkkksss!!
jom kite invest ramai2 4 ringgit!
i love ur idea & love the shoes!

nobody can challenge u!

Anonymous said...

idea yg cukup bagus... rakyat mesia kan suka menderma, jadi kalau stakat rm4-10 tu rasanya takde hal...

ciksue pun nak teringin gak nak dpt cert dari afdlin.. :)

shay said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Chris!

I wouldn't mind investing RM4 ..
get that going mister...i like!

wah just imagine nama producer jek mau sejam tunggu kuar..hahaha

Anonymous said...

saya minat ngan plan f..hihihihi..serius berminat nak invest :D

kelaka giler aa tgk kaki& kasut tu sume

Elf said...

Try test :

1. Rosham Nor
2. Radhi
3. Sh. Hasnor
4. Leonard Tan
5. Helmi Gimmicks
6. Afdlin ( Amik gambo sendiri ka, pelut ala nampak lor)
7. Ibu Yusni Jaafar
8. Yogi B
9. Pak Aziz Sattar
10. Roy
11. Bob AF2
12. Noryn
13. Zaibo
14. Man Kidal
15. Zahid AF2
16. Point Blanc
17. Mawi
18. Marsha
19.Anuar Zain
20. Mus


patrickteoh said...

Ok Brudder. Count for in for RM1,000 investment in Los Dan Faun, ok? This will mean that my wife and children will need to eat only one meal a day for the next few weeks but I'll do it because I believe in you. You are National Treasure also. Just like Harith Iskander. They should give all the AP's to you guys. I'm serious about the 1K. Maybe if Joe Hasham pays me more for Julius Caesar I will invest more. Boleh kan?

mudslinger said...

hi afdlin,
i think that 'f' is a really good plan. scrolling down the comments, i see that you've got the people's support. ini belum termasuk org yg takde internet to see your blog and hear your ideas. if this plan becomes terdedah to everyone, surely you can pull this off.

so afdlin, what's your M2U account number?