To tell you the truth, i have never been remotely excited to go to the US because i have learned to fear them as a people thru years of them propogating their lifestyles through the hollywood vehicle that have been flooding our culture ever since cinema started in this country. So to say the least i am a bit apprehensive and fearful of the trip. Plus the 21 hour flight seems a bit daunting to me right now as i dunno how i will react to such a long haul flight.
I will however try to have fun and hopefully i will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome of the trip later.
Thank you so much to all of you that have wished me a safe journey to Los Angeles and i promise i will try and remember all the gift orders made by friends and family (budget willing). I also promise to take loads of pictures for my blog readers as i m itenarary reads... DISNEYLAND, WARNER BROTHERS VIP TOUR, UNIVERSAL STUDIOS and VENICE BEACH. Let's see how it goes.
To ALL KODOKS, I will make the GUBRA flashmob on the 9th with the kodoks as i a proud that the film has made it to our screens finally.
Afdlin Shauki
PS . A few days ago i fell in love with another..... i am sorry to say this to my wife..... This new love is too sexy... too sexy and i cannot tahan.

Chiao Bella!
wah cun seh mercedes tue tp harga , pheww , bole muntah balek . hahaha . good luck bro on yr vacation :)
You, Chris and Pris have a good and safe one! Just don't go Los dan Faun-ing too much in Los Angeles. Oh... careful with the U-turns too. They are really U-turns over there (tak macam kat sini where it's a small letter n-turn). Heehee!
selamat terbang ya..
buang duit tu.
but up to u lah.
belum cuba belum tahu betapa orgasmic nya lagi M55. tapi memang tak boleh disangkal bahawa SLR memang bootilicious and airliur inducing...
have fun in LA.jaga2 jgn naik bukit yg sejuk tanpa ambulance.
SLR Mclaren tuh, Lindsay Lohan pakai tuh. kalau pegi LA kang, kalau terjumpe kete nie, tgk driver dia, silap2 lindsay lohan. hehehe...
anyway... have a nice trip. jgn taknak balik plak kang.. sebab dah tgk awek cun2 yg liar kat sana. terutama skali beach . sumenye tak pakai ape2 ahaha... kang lupe kat mesia sebab beach mesia suma pakai apa2... ahaha
afdlin, tips2 utk terbang jauh. I dont know how often you fly a 20 hour flight, but water is a must. Kalau tak, your nose your tekak, bleeding. And remember, the air flows from mid airplane to both ends. So if someone in the mid aisle is sneezing, and if you're sitting at the window section, cepat cepat tutup mulut. One thing that you dont wanna have in a long flight is to catch a cold. It's unbearable, and i can bet that you rather jump out of the plane than be in it, if you're sick.
And then, no caffeine, no dairy and no spicy food onboard. And when everybody is asleep, most of the time, if you ask, they'll give you the food that they serve for the first class section (but im pretty sure, if you're flying MAS, the stewardess probably give you just about anything to you even w/out you asking :) ).
One thing that i do if i cant fall asleep, i read books. Usually in half an hour, i get a headache, then i fall asleep. Tapi so far, my experience of ulang alik US-malaysia for a decade now, i have never fell asleep more than 2 hours at a time. So if you can fall asleep more than 2 hours at a time, respect gile lah! :).
I dont think you have any problem in the west coast, especially LA since everybody there is tourist also. And most of the ppl in LA are asians, dominantly southeast asian. So you fit right in hehe.
If you ever lalu kat eastcoast, especially in Florida, let me know okie!
As you dont sleep at the cheap motels near the Chinese Theatere , you will be fine... hhahahaha.. been there dont want to go again.
have fun and be careful ok ;)
also 7 million for a car? absurd!!!
haf fun in LA, while u were there, do drop by malibu beach, hollywood hills and beverly's freaking awesome there!!!!heaven on earth lah buddy!!!i LOVE that place!!!wishing i were u!!!
and oso, i think nih bukan ur first time dok dlm flight lama2 kan..huhuhuhu..habislah ur ass akan kebas..muahahha..haf fun!!!
p/s: go lepak at URTH CAFE In LA, mana lah tau ur luck..ada ramai HOLLYWOOD stars lepak situ..juz to name a few, Jake Gyllenhaal and Kirsten Dunst..
Dear Afdlin,
I'm just wondering.
Saiful Apek won the Artis Komedi Lelaki Popular awards of the Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian (ABP) for 4 consecutive years, in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. In 2003 alone, Saiful Apek grabbed 3 awards; Bintang Paling Popular, Pelakon TV/VCD Lelaki Popular & Artis Komedi Lelaki Popular. Mazlan Pet Pet won in 2001, Sabri Yunos won in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998/99 and 2000 (6 years), Imuda won in 1997/98 and Jalil Hamid won in 1992.
It's obvious Afdlin Shauki & Saiful Apek are two different comedians in terms of style and approach. Sabri Yunos, winner for 6 years is also very much different. To be honest, I think you deserve to win the recent 2005 award but in my opinion, Saiful Apek is still currently the number 1 comedian in Malaysia because he appeals to audience of all ages, especially CHILDREN. While your films may only relate to teenagers and adults. There's nothing wrong with that, of course.
What do you think? Just my 2 cents. I hope other readers would take this as a constructive opinion, and don't take me the wrong way. I sincerely hope film makers like Afdlin Shauki & Yasmin Ahmad will continue changing the stereotypes of typical Malay movies. Can't wait for Gubra!
Lebih baik guna duit utk keperluan lain atau memberi kepada yang lebih memerlukan.... Dengan jumlah wang sebanyak itu anda boleh membuat ramai orang tersenyum..... but it ups to you..
cip, did u get my last text msg the nite before you fly off to LAX.. the one with chris daugthry & ace young.. yup, i finally made up my mind cip.. so if x dapat john legend, yg 2 tuh boleh k.. hahaahaa.. and again, saya bangkang cadangan cip ttg Kanye West & Jamie Foxx..
btw, err still didnt get the email regarding Gubra show on the 6th tu, yg with Yasmin Ahmad tuh... cip lupa eh.. and yg on the 9th, me & suzie will make the appropriate arrangement.. will inform u and the kodoks a.s.a.p.
send my regards to chris and priscilla..
itte rasshai..
i got msg from Christina, u n priscilla dah sampai LA dengan selamatnya.
Again, Please take care of Priscilla and yourself, pls be careful. Please take enough water ya,..
miss u oredi lah..
Finally I managed to drop by and post a comment after being a vigil reader of yours like a stalker for the past few months..but no worries I'm not that psychotic hor. Btw have a safe journey and tell us bout ur experience in those great places in LA!
I wonder how I can be a part of the KODOKs when I'm like tercampak and stucked in Singapore? :)
Have fun and Enjoy as much of LA as you can. Let us know abt the awesome journey when you are back.
I was in LA many years ago and dunnolah when will I have the opportunity again.
Have fun in LA ok. Just enjoy and learn something...from them (learn what?) hehehe Looking forward for the picts from your trip.
I hope to see u there at the flash mob. I pun hope I can go if keje mengizinkan.
Anyway if you have millions to throw away brudder pakai aje la SLR tu hehehe tapi muat ke brudder kat dalam bucket seat tu. Hehehe
akum bro..:)
huhu..i'll pray for ur safety there..take care yaa..have fun..beshnyee boleh pi jalan2..kita nie nak flight pun x pernah..:) nanti amik gambo byk2 tau..nak copy masuk lam pc..kalau ade shrek amik gak tau..heheh..
kalau nak test drive SLR.. datang la rumah..
I am not a doctor anything...but make sure you walk around the isle because you may develop deep vein trombosis (DVT) if you stay put at your place...since you have a bit prob with your heart and lung this may cause the clot form especially in your legs (DVT) to be lodge at your heart and lungs vessels and if your not lucky you may get a heart attack...SO MY ADVICE IS DON'T JUST SIT THAT 20 LONG HOURS...WALK AROUND..
cip.. jgn lupa makan churros.. burritos.. chimichangas.. tortilla.. salsa con queso.. etc.. etc.. etc..
jangan lupa buat pameran koleksi photo peribadimu di LA tu..
kodok2 yang tak penah sampai nak tengok..
hi cip.. wildCAT here n guess wat??.. m in my new office... hahahahahahaa... first time in the control room n m part of them. previously, dtg hanya tuk mengacau org.. cuak gaban!! altho in"observation" mode.. hehehehe
Sejak tgk merc tu, kita selalu bygkan kita drive dat car w/pun di dlm my SLK.. Bygkan ngan my plate number on dat car.. MARVELLOUS!!!.. terus wildCAT ada bf.. kui kui kui....
Flashmob on d 9h tu, i'll get advsie fm my "superioir" Ms. Sheshima d warrior princess n Ms. Anne d fighter princess.. Hehehehe.. Can't wait to c u.. Rgds n hugsss (very tight2 one u know..) 2 Chris n Priscilla.. Da!
ello chip,
seronoknyer gi LA..
keta..?... mmm rasa2 skrang ni harga dah turun.. cuba check dengan tokei kedai.hehe..
selamat pergi, selamat kembali, insyAllah..
susah nak cakap la cip..nanti hypocrite plak...merc tuhh memang la zexy gilezz!!! blum pernak kaya giler la katakan...but if i ave loads of money cam donald trump wht is 7m..celah gigi jer kot.. anyway safe journey cip.
yes. she's a beauty. really.
kirim kereta BMW X5 satu boleh...??
u can get the slr for less than 2 mil rm in the US..msians are paying too much taxes for their cars..instead of getting an impreza or evo8,we can only buy a waja because of the bloody taxes
cuba la beli kat singapore...lagi rasa nak hantuk kepala kat dinding!!
incik dah sampai lom?
ada baik? ada sihat? makan ada bagus? tido ada bagus?
take care cip!!!ambil gambo byk2!!!
Alooo chip...
take care cip... jgn sakit2 tau mcm kat genting tu... bawa la apa2 ubat yg patut dlm pocket or ur pouch ke k... u too Chris n Pris take care n safe...
to JUDD..betul laa ape yg ko cakap tue..everyone has their own identity n way to perform..saiful apek n afdlin memangla berbeza sebab afdlin lagi comey n chubby..saiful apek lakk bukan aku tak suke dia,tapi kadang2 aku rasa lawak die tue mcm agak x 'sesuai' dengan taste aku agaknya..i prefer afdlin,sabri yunus n harun salim bachik nye lawak..tapi yelaa,we're not comparing their works but personally, bagusla kan..ada banyak pilihan n alternative 4 us to choose..the choice is yours..
eik. blog selebriti. jakun jap.
wa tak sangka boleh direct interact dgn wa punya idol...hehe. Saje wa nak kasi tau, wa dah berjaya convince suami wa yg filem u ada style ever since Othman Hafsham. I rasa u & him ada ckit samalah bro.
Awek Thai u amik berlakon tu heroin nang nak ker? Awat tak amik hero nang nak ???
assalamualaikum bro afdlin,
tak apalah.. doa2 je satu ari nanti bro bleh dpt kerete tu. mana tau next year lagi popular dan laku..yelah kan rosyam dah resigned. .hehehhee....
LA is fabulous!
u need to be in disneyland earllllyy in d morn to cover up dat whole dreamland!
but to think of it..i think one person needs 2days or so to cover up the fun rides n stuff!
hav fun afdlin!
i saw u once right after i finished watchin Buli 2 in klcc.
i think u were talkin to my lil bro, who looked somewhat like a american black thug, he was kinda surprised yet honored, im a fan of ur work, amazing n keep it up.
but s'all good..
Americans rock!
Assalamualaikum.. Yo bro, lepas tgk citer Buli Balik terasa nak cari plak2 lagu2 dalam album Fuyoo dulu tue.. masih ada simpanan ker? chaw sinchi..
have you read RN's article in Bintang Popular? :)
paris hilton pakai kereta la kan?dammit paris hilton
i drove this car a few days ago along miami beach (in my dream), heheh...
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