This is the kodoks that made up the country's first flash mob.. hee hee. Yes Patrick teoh is a kodok too.
From the left is DJ cybersonic, Selambakodok, Lourenzar, Liza and Patrick Teoh. I salute these guys for having the courage to do something good for the ARTS FOR ALL charity bazaar at Bukit Kiara Equestrian centre. It was quite hard to be heard in such a big space, but i'm sure the guys dug in deep to shout out "WEBEK, WEBEK, WEBEK...WEBEK,WEBEK,WEBEK!! Let's help the kids. Let's help the kids!"... I take my hats off to you my fellow KODOKS you guys RAWK!!!
You know, it doesn't take a lot to make your life an extraordinary one. We have one life to live guys, why not live it to the fullest... CARPE DIEM and all that stuff. I chose to have an extraordinary life and you can too. The benefits are amazing for the soul. Some of you might say "Come on chief, it was just a flash mob!", but i say it was people trying to make a difference and they made themselves extraordinary.
There is a song i listen to at the beginning of my day, it's by Heather small (formerly of M PEOPLE) titled 'Proud'. It never fails to put me in the right frame of mind. The chorus goes something like this...
What have you done today to make you feel PROUD.
It's never too late to try...
What have you done today to make you feel PROUD.
MMM... you could be so many people.
If you make a break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel PROUD.
We need a change
do it today....
i can feel my spirits rising
do it today..
What have you done today to make YOU feel PROUD.
I was supposed to just appear and take photos with the people for charity but i was called up on stage to perform and did an AD-HOC version of AH LONG BUKIT BERUNTUNG LIVE.... It was fun.
The following day i had another charity event to do at RUMAH SOLEHAH, which was, to do a public service announcement to create public awareness about discrimination against hiv positive kids and moms. The people i met either contracted HIV either from their husbands or their parents. I learned a lot from Ustazah Lili, the person responsible for taking care of the HIV patients, about their plight to live normal lives in this so called modern malaysian society.
Everyday the patients live with their illness but most scaldingly is, they live in a society who live in fear of the patients because of their ignorance and unwillingness to understand the illness.
Many people say to them that this is god's punishment unto them for being BAD in their lives. That the stupidest bunch of malarkey i have ever heard in my life. How does an 8 month old baby who is HIV positive, BAD? Did he rob the supermarket for pampers, when he was 4 months or something?
Most of the kids there were abandoned by the same parents who gave the them the ilness anyway. it's a problem for them trying to be apart of society via school, playgrounds etc. because so many other parents instill in their kids to stay away from these kids because they are somehow cursed.
I can't believe that there are still people like this, in our Ultra Modern, Islam Hadhari...whatever day and age, that are still living with us in this day and age, today. So spread the word. stop discrimination, increase information. Don't be a katak bawah temurung all ur life.
i'm 1st?? wow..
eh..Parick Teoh also a Kodoks..amazing la u chip kodok..sori can't join the event. ada hal that day. Anyway, salute to all kodoks that have courage to jerit..webek..webekk..heheh
WEBEK to all!
Dude!! I ENVY you... your life is so happening! Makes me look back at my pathetic life and...shame on me! What have I done with it so far? Nothing significant. I'm a housewife, with a 5-month old baby and 3 months pregnant... Yeah...yeahh...spur of the moment thing! You know what? YOu just inspired me. When I'm done with this pregnancy, I wanna start doing volunteer/charity work. And my children are going to grow up with the awareness that all humans are to be treated equally... regardless of wealth, race, intelligence etc. Thanks Mr Kodok cause I'm not gonna be stagnant no more. Like you said, we only live once.
Hmmm.. Patrick Teoh is also a Kodok! Cool.. I wish I could be there too, but I had family commitment - ada cousin nak kawin..
Well.. chiefKodok, I used to be an active member of Yayasan Salam until work commitment forced me to quit. Till now, I still can't get away to join any of their activities which is normally held during the weekdays..
During tsunami tragedy, an old friend emailed me, asking if I can help gather some stuff like sejadah, telekung, al-Quran, kitchen utensils etc to donate to the Kuala Muda people. So that evening I went to my kitchen and packed away 1/3 of my kitchen stuff and passed it over to my friend the next day. I even spread out this thing to other friends.. but sadly.. very few responded.. well, we can't blame them.. they might have their own reasons..
And the company I work for recently went to a few orphanage centers and we repainted the houses, gave them books, clothes, food etc..
And it's true, it's not easy to get people to involve in charity work, but having done it before, I feel content seeing them smile..
good stuff bro.
one thing i don't understand though, is why i don't spot u guys during my Malaysian Nature Society's nocturnal excursions? =)
idup all de kodokz dat hv participated in de 1st flash mob!!
nxt time buat d kk la plak :D
I missed the 1st flash mob sebab pegi Pasar Malam kat Bangsar..ha ha..anyway Power to the Kodoks!!!
i love u guys..
*ikon muka Jeless*
arrgh! I miss to shout Webeks! i was at the Kiara Equistrian on that Saturday. (coz i dont know the exact date) And on Sunday i have my family commitment. And i shout the webek! at my sister's house while we were having bbq. So hope there are next flashmob either for charity or for crazy thing. hahahahah!
You rawk too chief!!!! Thanks for the ice cream and smua lahhh.. muaaaahhhhhsssssss......
more pics on the flash mob thingy at ma webbie!! adiooooossss....
ahhh....nxt time mesti datang..by hook or by crook..hatta ako kena tido kt luar pun x per (well..im a kodok, so what's the difference..hahaha)
"That the stupidest bunch of malarkey i have ever heard in my life. How does an 8 month old baby who is HIV positive, BAD? Did he rob the supermarket for pampers, when he was 4 months or something?"
omg i was having that SAME thought last time. Fantastic.
ooo..itu rupenyer dj cybersonic...sorry coz i cant make it to flash MOB...ade xm...huuhhu but next time..sure i'll join..=) geee...cant wait to meet u chief!!!
mr afdlin,ada dukung tak baby 3 bulan,(nama yusoff mebbe??) then balkish one yr old yg sgt kecil itu??rumah i sederet ngan umah solehah tu,my niece sambut birthday ngan budak2 kat umah solehah last mth.i love to spend time with them because they're very friendly,spashly kak Lili..the kids are also very nice..seme suka hug kaki,and if u get to know ayob,he like to ask many things.heheh...so do abang long yg sgt garang mukanya tp layankan aje..hehehe...nice to know u were there!
go Chief!!!
Congratulation on the success flash MOB!!!! Hope to join next time.. (dgn harapan.. takdela keje2 lain nak kena wat time tu..)
Aku malu sebab tak gi. Takder alasan. mim aliff lam sim ajer.
Dah tak gi. tak yah ler nak ber alasan. Tapi aku sokong charity job ni. Tak yah ler aku nak declare ya tak..? Only god knows.
Sori for not attending Chief. Lagipun wa masih lagi trauma sebab tak dapat kasut adidas.. (<--- ni sesal ni... stiff stiff...)
Aloha chief...
Thanx for the pics and ice cream yummy yummy ;-> good job good show ;-> mmuahhh muahhhh ;->
can't make it..got test on that day. perhaps next time.
amboiih...amboihh..lourenzar...kan main lagi ko ye?
Waaa...alaa..tak leh join aritu...beshnyersssssss
wuhuu.. saya mau join the next flash mob.. saya mau jadik kodok.. yeay! saya tak sabar nak balik!!!
ahhh i wished i didnt have assignments to do, chip please dun make me feel guilty ... (and not to forget feeling kempunan) :o(
emm.. mesti besk kan!! tak dapat joint ari tu.. ada exam laa..:(
can you help me with something thats urgent and pressing? either you or your thongs (is this word right - thong as in seluar dalam kecik tu or the japanese slippers?) of adoring fans out there...
actually i'm at my wits end to find a decent pic of the comedian Zaibo from the net, hope you folks in here could point me towards the right direction...?
it's for umm... a thesis...yeah a thesis that i have to do...
thanks in advance
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