Gua dah sampai hongkong and everything is peachy so far. I am here for the Malaysian Association of Hong Kong dinner function. But i still cant get Plan F out of my head. It needs a bit of a think-thru dulu sebelum boleh buat apa-apa decision. Kalau ada apa-apa cadangan dan advise yang boleh dikongsi oleh cendikiawan-cendikiawan dari segi undang-undang, perbankan atau apa-apa jelah amat di hargai. Mungkin kita target untuk start shoot tahun depan satu cerita yang kita sendiri develop on the net. First send in your ideas. I will write the script and screenplay on a designated blog, and i will take any input about the story. You too can help develop the story by writing plot lines and help develop all the characters. the story and script will be available for all to read until the final draft and hopefully the funds, if we rawks all the blogs kat Mesia ni dan juga dari sumbangan fellow kekodoks overseas, would have come in by then and the PLAN F FROM CYBER SPACE can be put into action. If we all believe in each other i'm sure we can do this. The first film funded by an internet community. This is insane. I love it.
BUT we have to study first all the consequences before we jump into this, so keep checking in on this blog to find out the latest on PLAN F FROM CYBERSPACE..
Sultan Muzaffar has jumped on board and will figure out the site hosting for this project. Dak^Penang will help. The wheel is in motion already.....
whoaaaa.. brader afdlin dah pikir sampai plan F?! respekla!macamana boleh terpikir sampai plan F ni.. plan C,D,E nye apa?
movie jenis apa nak dibuat? a good comedy but with a sense of suspense and intelligence .. amacam, boleh jalan ke?
contohlakan.. macam MIB, the whole storyline is a serious matter, tp, in between ada selitan lawak "intelligent". tak paham jugak? ok ok.. macam cerita the hitchiker's guide to whatever-the-name-is.. itu mcm lawak tak logik la.. it needs to be a realistic comedy.. haa.. ok ok.. macam GGPR.. lawak yg realistik dan membina pun ada.. (afdlin dengan anjakan paradigmanya & bagus bagus bagus 3x.. nampak real dan natural. macam ayat yg kita biasa guna seharian.. suka gilerla dengan Afdlin)..
(ini pandangan saya yg masih kekanak lagi..itu pun kalau boleh dipakailah..)
I'll be tuning in.... all the way...
Afdlin, once you get this going, you better book a spot on the Malaysian Guiness Book of records. Imagine:
Record #1854756 Afdlin Shauki for
- most publicly funded film
- highest box office in M'sia (dah bayar, mesti nak tengok, kan?)
-highest pak pacak appearence by investors
-longest film credit
aku pikir idea ni bagus..sbb ramai nak tgk,sbb dah invest,kan? but as u said, kena make it proper lah..kena plan..but it is great idea..and afdlin, u mmg kreatif laaa...aku pun nak join laa plan F tu!!
arap2 bukan filem komedi laa.. sudah muak sama komedi laa.. tiap2 bulan pun komedi.. give something different laa.. n please no erra ka.. af ka.. ahahaha!
i think this is a FABULOUS idea! ramai malaysians consider our own film industry is NOT as great as it should be.So this would be an AWESOME opportunity for all these BIG-MOUTHEd-malaysian-movie-goers di tanahair mahupun oversea to sumbangkan idea sebutir dua.
your plan F nih is really apa omputeh panggil.. to think outside of the box
plan F!!!!
yeah!!! roll it on!!!
hmm... very interesting blog... this is indeed a very eye-opening blog. good job, man!!!
if u hv time why dun u add http://bloglet.com ; this way yr fans wld b informed easily via email everytime u update yr blog.
...emm + bini + anak = RM12 ..ok lah... sultanmuzaffar mana nak antar duit ni... pastu segala vcd dvd tu pasti beli punya... pasal ada nama kat kredit tuuu... simpan buat kenang2an...
...weeii kodokselamba yang kiut ko dapat idea ni lepas tengok iklan petronas ke aaa...? ...tak main la bantuan FINAS kaan... jalan mesti kedepan...
yay yay... akhirnya..lihatlah donia..aku akan menjadi produser filim!!!!
p/s dah setat simpan seposen sehari...lagi pat puluh hari cukup ah!
Bestnya idea tu, from Malaysian to Malaysian. Tajuk filem tu sure Kukibarkan Jalur Gemilang, mesti patriotik abisssss.... i tell you. Ramai orang dah tak larat tengok komedi, jom tengok cite patriotik plak.
wakakaka..selambak, aku suka ko nyer option e and f tu..
i akan support (for the plan F)& bole jd part timer utk mengutip 'dana' utk film tersebut. means i bole hebohkan kt suma member satu malaysia psl RM 4 tu (ala Rm 4, makan kt mamak lagi mahal kan). This is how malaysian support our locals!!!! Keep up good work afdlin
untuk first step why not abang afdlin set up dulu bank account untuk project ni...preferebly maybank coz got maybank2u..saya yang ada kat obersi (not obesiti) ni senang nak masuk duit...kalo set up sekarang maybe tiap2 bulan buleh masuk 4 ringgit so drpd 4 ringgit sorang maybe buleh kasik 16 ringgit (4 rinngit darab pat bulan)...mungkin ok kot...kalo nak pakai peguam abang afdlin buleh pakai Norendra & Yap..dulu masa Suhaimi Baba buat pontianak harum sundal malam dulu dia pakai peguam yang sama jugak...saya doakan rancangan ni berjaya
Uh, sampai Hong Kong fikir plan F. Tak apa, kita support saja (Although, I actually prefer the plan e. Bro. Kodok kita jadi gigolo, biar saya volunteer jadi bapak ayam!).
bagus sei....i sanggup invest...dalam RM50 ok tak?huhuhuh
Buktikan 1 malaya....
OK!!! Saya pun akan menyupport....nanti saya jual anak2 patung serta soft toys saya...aa..boleh2...terus menerus support dari belakang,tepi,depan,atas,bawah...ya2..utk bro Afdlin cari dana hingga ke HOLLYWOOD pun boleh...
Cepat2 kawan2..jgn asyik bagi idea...kena gerak skit..
gerak camner erk?
Mak oii.. besor nye gambo KODOK kat atas skrin tuu..
BTW,jauh ko merantau ekk, sampai ke Hong Kong pikir kan pasal plan (f).. Aisey man, plan (e) dah kensel kerr?
::cekodok vegemite::
Bro, to make this work I would also recommend you get a book called The Tipping Point from Malcolm Gladwell, that is if you haven't got it lah.
The point is, if 500 people read your blog (this is an estimated from your comment rates and the voting tool you use, I multiplied it by 2.5 to get the estimated read figure).
If everyone forwards it to 2 more person via blog network, you will have an "eyeball" rate of 1,500 with about 30% overlap on redundant forwards, you will have an estimated 1,050 estimated throughput.
Sorry for the lengthy description, but I think its important.
At 1,050 throughput, it is insufficient to build critical mass.
Plan F requires a mass of at least 100,000 contributors at least to make an impact.
Mitigating Points;
Use internet and blogs to create leverage out into the real world.
So, every one must "touch" another 5 person who don't use the PC, via SMS and/or Word of Mouth.
This brings the figure up to 5,250 which is the STARTING POINT, not bad really.
If every month this cycle is repeated, then based on compounded returns in only 3 months you will have 131,250 people who have heard of Afdlin Shauki's Plan F, every month this will increase exponentially.
At only RM 20 per person with 60% take up rate, you will have
RM 1,575,000 of funds in three months.
So from now onwards, get Sultan Muzzafar to help ensure that every person who visits your blog sends the link to 2 or more person, and each person should tell 5 of their friends about Plan F - may have to get a catchy name though.
Phew!!! That was long! Sorry bro, but I feel you are on to something VERY GOOD, just need to put in the right matrices for it to work.
Good LUCK!!!
you're right. it IS insane. but i like it already. :D
gilerlahh kodokk..keep it up man..we all gerenti supportnyeh..
mak aih..mcm nk buat multi level marketing jer gayenye..heh..neway cip kodok, ayuh kita tunjukkan dunia malaysia boleh, bikin filem yg dibiayai org ramai..yezza..projek hilang akal part 2
How about that story Brazil, and adaptation of george orwell's 1984..
hardly see any movies that moves sometimes slow, like that..
it's very raw stuff and leaves our own to interpret YET at the same time..gives us this notion of enjoying the flow of the movie..
(because to some interpretating requires mental reflection thus takes up many activities at the same time,enjoying and interpreting)
Saya dah menyahut cabaran, baru aje forwardkan link blog superkodok ni kat 5 orang yang saya kenal. Pastu, saya
wajibkan each of them forwardkan kat 5 orang yang diorang kenal..... Bestnya, kalah surat berantai...
go on, Bro. dah lama memberi support dengan menonton, inilah masa nak take part. beberapa idea kat atas nih bagus jugak, so cepatlah bagitau macam mana kodok2 ni nak gerak?
Yo! I support ya ma leader of kodoks...I would love to take part...any update email me at gnomefan@gmail.com ... C ya!! Hope to hear from you 'bout this project... :P
apa-apa aje la abg afdlin..asalkan yang the best from you. saya sokong aje..;)
nampaknya semua kodoks sudah bersuara. mari kita gegarkan malaya dan dunia with plan F.
Blair witch guna internet untuk promotion, plan f dari cyberspace ni guna web untuk skrip, shooting dan promotion ke?
Lg satu, kenapa tidak cuba tampilakn filem yang bukan saja Malaysian pada nama dan rupa, tapi juga pada roh dan spirit. Tapi tak naklah cerita hantu. Boring siot.
Anyway, this might be interesting.
Viva le revolucion!
yes! i'm as excited as you are... think it through, chief kodok. after all, you're the mastermind. we can only help you achieve your dreams. such a fan, we are!
i miss hongkong.
hi encik kodok yg kepala otak bergeliga!! Saya memang sokong seratus peratus!! will contribute some... for that plan F (sekadar termampu but for sure more than RM4.. heheh) Bile nak start???
sihat? anyway tahniah di atas kejayaan abg afdlin menang award di Anugerah Skrin 05. mmg saya dah jangkakan kemenangan filem Buli. mengenai plan F, saya menyokong 100%. tp bila nak mula bang? saya sedia beri sebarang bantuan yg abg perlukan..insyallah..yg mana termampu..
apa di atas brader kodok? wa ada idea tapi tak tau la bernas atau tak...lu buat la citer pasal something ordinary...bosan ar asyik tengok citer dari perspektif yang tak logik..esp citer dari YH.NEway, i'll back u up...no matter wot bro (aku akan belakang kau atas, tak jisim apa, abang)...
tak pun buat citer yang mengarut stail H2G2, tapi kena pastikan tak jadi tahyul macam byk citer kita...pelakon, guna budak2 teater instead of established ones, kekadang depa lagi bagus dari artis (jgn terasa noo)...
for distribution, bole guna stail pembuat chennam malai, guna internet, edar dvd atau downloadable (guna DRM, kena rujuk kat Microsoft, bukan maikelsoft).filem mlayu takde lagi yg pakai dvd...tapi ni kira 2ndary la, selain wayang dan cd...
by asking viewers to contribute, u dah dapat ramai extras dan scriptwriters, so u kena monitor suma, jaga2 woo
eh shima ko dah kurus balik eh?
btoi ar.. abg afdlin dh kurus ka? ker pc ly yg der mslh ni erks? ahaks ;)
afdlin..gotta make ur plan comes true!let's rock the world!
hmm.. I came across your blog from sultanmuzaffar's - he discussed this Project F - which he named as projekhilangakal - in which to me it's a stunning name!
Hosting? Hmm.. check this out.. www.klhost.com <- I put my online shop here.. the cost is not expensive about RM300 a year.
wah... pegi hong kong tak ajak aku.. er.. anyway kim salam kat Shima yekk
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