Somebody once asked me why KODOK?... why not Dugong? or Badak? or Tenuk?. The explanation is simple, just look at a kodok. He is unassuming, not the greatest looking, looks unapproachable because it looks like it doesn't care about anything (Sadin je muka dia) although they are completely aware of their surroundings, jumps less than a katak, because kodoks are normally bigger than Kataks. Where kataks are easily excitable, Kodoks are observers. They are not afraid if humans come close. When feeling under attack they make themselves bigger by blowing that bubble under their mouth. Their last resort is hopping away. They only open their mouths when they eat and when they want to be heard, when they say something it makes the funniest sound "WEBEK!..WEBEK!!". Although it sounds funny but the sound is always purposeful and SELAMBA. Yet he always seems majestic crouching on a lily pad. i identify with the kodoks. hence i am selambakodok.
House keeping 1:
1.)PROJECT : AFDLIN SHAUKI DAH HILANG AKAL! is making history for Malaysia kodok-kodok ku semua. We are not selling like MAWI, (Not yet at least) but we are selling more than the distributors care to know or do. I Would like to humbly thank all the KODOKS yang telah membayar untuk CD dan Cassette itu, "Terima Kasih yang tak terhingga!!" It will definitely help me in keeping up the good fight against the people who want to kill the music industry, by makng better music and better stuff. Gua dan staff gua terduduk dan tersebak kegembiraan bila kita ada terima cek RM100 for one of the CDs. It showed you honoured me and my friends for our attempt to do something new. The orders are still furiously coming in. If you are interested to get your copy of AFDLIN SHAUKI'S FUUYO album just hit the PROJECT : AFDLIN SHAUKI DAH HILANG AKAL! link.
ONLY CDs ARE BEING REPRINTED FOR THE SECOND EDITION as Cassette printing is mahal gila babi and kualiti soundnya takle sebagus CD... dan sehingga kilang cap duit gua kat pengkalan chepa tu tak bukak-bukak gua tak mampu la beb.
Second step. The next level. For those who have purchased the Album and only those who have paid for the album, we wanna take you to
If you liked the album! and believe that this album should be heard by more people, PLEASE tell your friends, tell as many people that you can through the blogs and thru your daily life. This is how i am going to reward your belief.
1. His full name. 2. His address that he wants us to send the cd to. 3. the person who reffered him to PROJECT : AFDLIN SHAUKI DAH HILANG AKAL! and that person's email.
If you are the referer, you must have bought the cd as we will then have your database to know where to send you a CHEQUE!!
Yes... KODOK semua you heard me right!! I WILL SEND U A CHEQUE!
Cek apa kekodok Chief cakap ni? you might be asking yourself.
a) if we get to sell 5 albums at RM 35 each thru ur referalls, I AM going to send you RM5 for every one of your friend you recommend, who pays RM35 for the album.
b.)if you refer 10 or more people who buy the album at RM35 each, i am going to give RM 10 each person you refer and buys the album at RM35. so for example, if you recommend 10 people and this 10 people pays us for the cd, you get a cheque for RM 100.
c.)When some of your friends don't have the internet ke or buta it and wants u to do all the work, then you collect duit kengkawan you semua tu yang also value good music, and then you place a bulk order with us. If you want to order in bulk, which means 5 cds and above, it will be preferable that you could send us a cheque or money tansfer for the amount of cds you want to order for people, eg. 10 cds x RM35 = RM350, and when we send you the cds, we will send you a cheque for 10cds x RM10 = RM100.
all cheques to be made to : Vision Works (M) sdn bhd.
Jangan lupa sign!!!.. kita ada dapat cek yg tak bersain.. alamak apehalla ko ni labu.
Money transfers thru maybank 2 you boleh di lakukan ke acc. number maybank gua (Afdlin Shauki bin Aksan)
Maybank acc. number: 164810018936
for money transfers,
Show us a copy of da money transfer slip, thru snail mail or email and kita akan hanto kat ko cd tu.... seluruh dunia.
"Why is afdlin doing this?" u might ask... Well, kalau kita pegi normal distribution duit yang kita akan bagi kat korang ni adalah yang kita akan bagi depa. So kalau korang yang menjadi pembakar semangat dan menghebahkan album tu ke satu uni atau ur workplace, you are like a distributor!! so we wanna reward that, by giving you the cash yang selalunya kita bagi kat depa tu.
Menarik!!!.... mari kita kejar MAWI punya sales numbers and show, how PEOPLE POWER is stronger than your emotionless giant corporations who don't give a kodok about the consumers and the local artiste.
House keeping 2.
Okaylah oleh kerana macam terseksa aje batin korang ni gua padankan tigabelas lu orang padan tujuh aje.... cepat sebelum duit gua simpan nak beli adidas ni terpaksa beli susu dan pampers anak gua.
inilah 13 kaki artis mengikut turutan :
1.) Kaki Leanord Tan
2.) Kaki Radhi Khalid
3.) Kaki Noryn
4.) kaki Syarifah Hasnor
5.) Kaki Bob AF2
6.) Kaki Yogi B
7.) Kaki Yusni Jaafar
8.) Kaki Point blanque
9.) Kaki Helmi Gimmick
10) kaki Aziz Sattar
11) Kaki Zaibo
12) Kaki Man Kidal
13) Kaki Roy
yang 14) ke 20) tu padankan!!! siapa cepat dia dapat. hantarkan email kepada selambakodok@gmail.com dengan subjeknya : KENAPALAH AFDLIN PROMOTE ADIDAS, BUKANNYA DIORANG ENDORSE KO?. Padankan 7 artis dengan 7 kasut, bagi nama penuh dan alamat, saiz kasut dan kaler apa ko ndak (part ni tak janji boleh dapat sama kaler). CEPAT!!!!!!!!!
Hanya perlu padankan kaki tujuh orang ni saja kaki
Rosyam Nor,
Afdlin Shauki,
Zahid AF2,
Anuar Zain,
dan Mus.
House keeping 3
Pada kodok-kodok designer yang berada di cyberspace ini, siapa yang berminat nak try nasib untuk design poster filem gua yang akan bakal meledak di panggung pada tahun hadapan yang berjudul BULI BALIK, silalah cuba dan hantar artwork korang yang lo res dulu ke selambakodok@gmail.com dan lepas tu kita akan pamerkan ke masyarakat cyber dan kita buat online polling yang mana design bakal memenangi hadiah lumayan, Keluar lepak makan, tengok wayang dengan cast Buli Balik dan hadiah-hadiah gilababs-takhingat-punya yang akan diberitahu kelak.
Design Brief :
Nordin buli balik Roy, yang hilang ingatannya, dalam filem ni kerana dia sudah mulai yakin dengan dirinya sendiri... Ala-ala revenge punya cerita lar. Revenge of the budak gemuk camtu ler.
Dark sikit. Kerana membuak dendam Nordin kat Roy. tapi funny jugak at the same time. (ha mampusla korang buat)
Lebih kan ke reddish untuk match kesinambungan BULI (kat blog ni ada contoh design first filem tu). Tapi kalau ada idea lain yang menasabah belasah je.
Ko design style dia dan just position pelakon ikut suka korang dan kalau konfirm hang punya design juara, artis akan pergi photoshoot ikut design hang... Tarikh tutup, pada hujung bulan NOVEMBER.
So okay itu aje buat kali ni..... yang lelain tu kita tunggu dulu. Thank you so much again. Assalammualaikum.... enjoy the ride
i really want to buy and join your project hilang akal..but too bad coz i'm a student yg ada duit ckop-ckop makan je..anyway, the poster comptition tuh cam menarik..bley ah masuk eh..anyway afdlin..i respect u bcoz of your brilliant idea with this project hilang akal..powr to the ppl!!
mak ai banyak nya kasuuuutts
aku harap satu hari ko put up peraduan match the tapak tangan artis lah, boleh fungshui.
macam kata karam singh
"seperti menyanyi tanpa kasut
imelda marcos suka pulut"
ok i nak try..
14) Annuar Zain
15) Afdlin Shauki
16) Rosyam Nor
17) Mawi
18) Marsha
19) Zahid
20) Mus
cuba jer..kot dptlar kan..hehehehe
lor hani nak try anta email ler kat selambakodok@gmail.com with subject title : KENAPALAH AFDLIN PROMOTE ADIDAS, BUKANNYA DIORANG ENDORSE KO?.
hihihhi submit mine already ... mintak mintak menang ... dah 3 tahun tak beli kasut sukan nie ... hihihiihi chif kodok bila lagi nak buat acara lepak lepak minum kedai mamak ... syok gaks dapat jumpa chif nanti .... hihihihihi
sokong seratus peratus for your projects!
i'm sure Projek Hilang akal versi 2.0 ni kan berjaya menaikkan nama Afdlin Shauki.
Bro, I'm crossing my fingers for you - Anugerah Kembara AIM 2006 maybe?
Askum Afdlin! Tak nak buat promosi kat Tesco Mutiara Damansara ker? FOC vice versa. Kalau mau, bilang sama saya ....
p/s Susu & pampers kat sini pun murah.
i can only design ONE type of poster....those which feature me and my afro!!!
Aiseyman chip kodok!
Dah lah brader bagi CD tak tentu dapat duit ni nak bagi duit lagi pulak kat kita hwahwahwahwa.. (ketawa org kaya).
Idea refferal yang cukup menarik... memang dah byk buat idea ni tapi ni datang dari chip sbb ia dt dari chip kodok maka harus diberi sokongan hehe.
InsyaAllah saya cuba membantu mana yang mampu. One way dah letak project gile ni di forum saya. URL: http://www.cct-marketing.com/forum bawah topik CTEA Corner!
All the best chip!
Salam dari jauh.
Izarrudin, Kota Singa
alamak... sejak bila kodk pake kasut ? tajam pulak tu ! kekekekekeke ! lolz
abg afdlin, u pun ada melabur dlm studiotraffic.com ker? saya ada gak melabur dan pulangan pun ok.
bila baca pasal ur hilang akal project kan... tetiba terasa cam multi level marketing... hahahhaha
cip kodok dh nk start kompeni mlm?
wahh..isk apakan daya kodok ini masih belajar..duit pun scholar fama..
ah..nk jugak order cd..wait for my mail..nnt bole promote kt member ako..bole balik modal..huahahaha(gelak gila harta)
cam menarik je pojek poster tu bro...
ni poster kasi sketches je ke final product?
sbb gambo pelakon tu kasi replacement je pun ok kut..
pawer lah u abg afdlin! gua salute! i still enjoy watching reruns of u and sarah and najib together (was it kott?? lupa lah plakkkk nama show tu) biler korang nak collaborate lagiiiii....
senang2 drop by lah lelaman blog kiter yg tak seberaper...thanks and btw, ur entries RAWK!
hohoho...best punya marketing...dush2..neway dgn adanya sinopsis citer BULI BALIK, senangla nk desgin nanti...dush2..piang!
just wanted to leave my name here. lol. see u on myspace! i'm sharina by the way..
heyyyy dad!! :)
love and hugss.. nazreen :)
aku dah hanto my guess...hope leh menang kasut adidas, agagagag! leh gak aku tayang2 kat owang ramai...siap bagitau, "AFDLIN bagi haku kasut neh," bwahahaha!!!
anyway bro, like your idea. it's nice to know that kat Mesia nih ada sorang figura seni pujaan ramai yang berfikiran luar dari kotak, heh! support Afdlin! support Afdlin! ;D
i nak tanya pasal adsense. ada tak orang kat sini yang guna adsense on their webpage?
i nak tahu, when they bayar you, you nak settle cukai cam mana?
2. check yg dia org antar tu can be cashed in any local accounts ke?
mat blur
Abg Afdlin & my Bakal mother in-law
masa petronas dinner. She said u are hilarious and humble. tak sombong...
kat sini http://shw.fotopages.com/7322576.html
hopefully, ur movie not suck like all those silly movie made by yusuf haslam, aziz m osman, or that dr madya whatever..
not the story with 'whatever' popular singer (like we don't have good quality actress at all) or apek fooling himself on every movie just to have a comedy element inside it.
U can be more creative than that!
yo afdlin.. great idea.. a sort of mlm approach to selling cds.. hehe.. never been done before (I think). Anyway.. recently I received an mpg of a little kid singing at home.. cute kid.. full of expression.. check her out at my site.. maybe she can feature in one of your movies? Note, I'm not related in any way to the cute child (at least not to my knowledge). Unless she is the child of my long lost twin brother which I never knew I had.. A problem though.. I've no clue on how to get in touch with the kid's parents or guardians. Well, maybe the people here can help with that if you're interested..
Why kodok and not katak? Sebab katak 'dua alam', kodok tak. Ahak.. ahak...
Chip Kodok,
Saya taruk link PROJEK HILANG AKAL tu on my blog. Tapi blog surirumah tangga ni kurang dapat perhatian sangat.
Tapi sangat bess sebab hubby buat surprise dengan meng'order' CD Fuuyo!. Terkejut kodok bila menerimanya
Tak sabo nak tunggu "BULI BALIK". My hubby tak minat tengok cerite Melayu kat cinema. Tapi masa Buli keluar dulu, berjaya paksa dia tengok kat TGV. Terkejut kodok sebab dia gelak terbahak-bahak. Kami setuju, part paling lawak tahak gile babs yang paling kitorng suke mase Nordin kat play park, ngan makanan bebanyak, pastuh cover line ngan bebuat call member.. hahaha.. memang lawak..
lepas nih nak try jadi distributor yang berjaye plaks..
..gua suka ngan projek poster buli balik tu.!! It will be cool for anybody to design a poster for a cool movie like yours.. Gua nak try aaa..!
mari kita sama-sama menjayakan projek afdlin sudah hilang akal...
tak pandai design poster
apa agaknya tagline buli balik eh? ?:|
Hi Afdlin ayda nak try ges
14; Anuar Zain
15. Zahid
16. Mus
17. Rosham Nor
18. Marsha
19. Mawi
20. Afdlin
Kalo betul Zais katut kiter 5 kale anything shud be fine
Lot 1675 Batu 7, Luar Sijangkang
Teluk Panglima Garang
42500 Klang
bila mau kuar la ini cerita sang kodok....
kindda hard guessing which is who..
btw good luck to everyone else. ; )
i dah letak link ke blog you..moga2 murah rezeki..
no 15 definately zahid!
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